Thursday, May 31, 2012

Operation Organization Post #2

My last post was about tackling the refrigerator and freezer.  If the condition of those appliances didn't scare you away - I appreciate you giving me another shot!

Today we are going to continue in the kitchen and take a look at the spice cabinet and some of the other storage cabinets.

I will tell you that my spice cabinet is not quite where I want it to be yet.   My goal is to go for something more like this with the pretty glass jars and their neat little labels.

But don't wait until you can do something 100%. 

Pinned Image

Any improvement is step in the right direction and one day I will get it where I want it to be.

So this is what I started with.  Ugh. 
Everything is pretty much crammed in there, in hopes that it will not fall out when I open the door back up.  I have no idea where anything is and as a result tend to buy spices that I really don't need.

So again, I emptied out the cabinet, discarded my expired spices and started organizing.

I used some plastic baskets that I purchased from the Dollar Tree to corral similar items.

All "envelopes" went into one basket, all of the beef & chicken stock flavoring went into a basket, the decorating sprinkles and sugars found a home in a cutlery basket and my different flavor extracts were contained in another cutlery storage basket.

All in all, everything is put together so much nicer.

Here are some shots of other storage cabinets in my kitchen - BEFORE & AFTER


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